About the Vandelay Design Team

We’re proud to have an experienced team of creative professionals behind Vandelay Design (you can learn more about the mission and history of our company on the About Us page).

Marc Andre, Blog Manager and Content Strategist

Marc Andre

Marc is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the blog. He plans new content, works with our team of writers, and writes some of the blog’s content. Marc has been a blogger and freelance writer for over a decade and has more than 15 years of experience in the design industry. He’s managed websites and blogs related to web design, photography, entrepreneurship, and finance. Marc has written for sites like Vecteezy and Contrastly. He’s been featured in publications like Forbes and Business Insider for various business ventures, including a portfolio of successful photography websites. He’s also been interviewed on sites like FilterGrade, Starter Story, and Flippa. Connect with Marc on LinkedIn.

Read Marc’s posts at Vandelay Design.

Brooke Arnold, Featured Contributor

Brooke Arnold

Brooke Arnold is a graphic designer, photo editor, pet photographer, and proponent of the oxford comma. She has an Associate of Science in Graphic Design from the International Academy of Design and Technology. Brooke has more than 25 of experience as a designer and has been practicing photography since the good old darkroom days. Her experience as a designer includes graphic design, signage, branding, marketing, and much more. She currently lives in Knoxville, Tennessee with a house full of hairless cats. Brooke’s work has been featured on sites like ShotKit and ArtPal. She’s also the author of Norman Saves the Day. You can connect with Brooke via LinkedIn, Instagram, or her website.

Read Brooke’s posts at Vandelay Design.

David Davis, Featured Contributor

David Davis

David Davis is a freelance writer and illustrator specializing in storytelling. He’s contributed to many sites, including CBR. David worked in comics for years, in addition to other forms of visual publishing. He has a Master’s in Literature and Writing Studies from California State University San Marcos. In addition to working as a writer and illustrator, David teaches English courses at Mt. San Jacinto College and hosts a weekly radio show. You can view more of his work at hpkomics.com, including his comics ‘Cosmic Dash’ and ‘RGBots.” Connect with David on LinkedIn.

Read David’s posts at Vandelay Design.

Lacey Morris, Featured Contributor

Lacey Morris

Lacey is a content writer and graphic designer based in Austin, Texas. She’s been writing and designing since her undergrad days as an art educator at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts. After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in English from Angelo State University, she followed her love of writing and designing by pursuing various freelance projects. Connect with Lacey on LinkedIn.

Read Lacey’s posts at Vandelay Design.

Kaitlyn Greenfield, Featured Contributor

Kaitlyn Greenfield

Kaitlyn Greenfield is a creative entrepreneur, graphic designer, and content writer. She has over three years of graphic and apparel design experience, owns her own e-commerce shop, and has been a freelance writer for more than six years. Connect with Kaitlyn through her website or LinkedIn, or Instagram

Read Kaitlyn’s posts at Vandelay Design.

Niaz Ali, Featured Contributor

Niaz Ali

Niaz is a web and graphic designer with extensive SEO experience and a writer. He enjoys writing about technology, design, travel, and educational topics. Since earning a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Niaz has worked as a web designer and copywriter. In his spare time, Niaz is a paragliding pilot. Connect with Niaz through his website or LinkedIn.

Read Niaz’s posts at Vandelay Design.

Please visit our contact page to get in touch.